Nelson, New Zealand

We've been looking forward to this - Feargal, Alison and Shane, friends from Sydney, are over in New Zealand on holidays. After meeting up with them in Kaikoura (about 2 hours north of Christchurch), we drive up the east coast to Nelson. It's not the easiest driving in convoy when you have our chitty-chitty-bang-bang campervan trying to keep up with the lads' zippy rental car but we just about manage it (a little too well at times, once nearly rear-ending the rental while a driver, who will remain unnamed, was taking a refresher course on how to use the clutch!). Highlights on the trip up the coast include a visit to Nim Bins, a roadside shack, selling the local speciality - crayfish. It was tasty but the visuals weren't great - the crayfish was served complete with beady eyes and claws. The hardest part of Cray's Anatomy (!) was avoiding the gut area and the half-digested last meal of the poor crayfish (known in the connoisseur's lexicon as the "mustard"). On the way up to Nelson, a game of "Tractor" - 2 points for spotting a tractor, 5 points for spotting a tractor dealership - nearly came to blows between the McKenna brothers over whether a largish seated lawnmower was a tractor. We have dinner that evening and a few beers afterwards in a couple of Nelson's nightspots. Our favourite was PHATS, a drum n' bass club that was pumping out dry ice like it was 1999. There was a slow start the next day but we made it out to the local beach for a swim, before we headed our separate ways - us to Abel Tasman National Park and Feargal, Ali and Shane to Picton for the ferry journey across to Wellington. It was good to see the lads again.
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